My process is to look out for deficiencies, what there is to add or omit. Then I express these shortcomings, something that is missing in me or in the environment. In a way, I am expressing wishes in my work, fill in gaps or remedy shortcomings.
I understand art as blueprints of reality and this is mine. I would like to give a taste of my reality. The goal is always an art that infects the mind and leaves residues behind. It is my unconditioned urge to search for my own truth in things. Constantly questioning and imagining how things could be.
*1984 in Munich, Germany
2021 - 2024 Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, class of Joachim Blank (Diploma - Visual Arts). DE
2020 Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, class of Alba D’Urbano. DE
2019 Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, class of Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster. DE
2019 Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, Bergen. NO
2016 - 2018 Transmedia Art, University of Applied Arts Vienna, class of Brigitte Kowanz . AT
2014 Iceland Academy of Arts Reykjavik (Theater Making). IS
2011 - 2015 Scenography Studies, University of Applied Arts, Vienna. AT
2010 - 2011 Jazz Instruments (Bass), Vienna Conservatory . AT
2008 - 2015 Theater-, Film-, and Media Studies, University of Vienna (BA) . AT
2020 Travel Scholarship of Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf. DE
2019 Scholarship Student at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, class of Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster . DE
2019 Erasmus-Scholarship Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, Bergen. NO
2017 Cash Prize in the creative competition "Treffpunkt Spielplatz", baufi24.de
2015 Double page in the artbook „Bildobjektroman“, edited by Beatrix Sunkovsky
2014 Erasmus-Scholarship Iceland Academy of Arts Reykjavik (Theater Making). IS
2025 Group exhibition: "Kunst im Freien“, Traunstein. DE
2022 Group exhibition: "If you need me, I‘m (still) in the basement!”at MdbK Leipzig.DE
2020 Piece at Radio Program: „Anybody Out There ?! - 100 Jahre Radio In Deutschland“. DE
2020 Group exhibition: "Fragile Wirklichkeiten" at Moritzbastei Leipzig, DE
2019 Group exhibition: "Make Me Destroy Me" at USF Bergen, NO
2015 Performance Gold, University of Applied Arts Vienna, AT
2011 Exhibition and Performance, Maria Stuard, University of Applied Arts Vienna, AT
2014 Performance Night, Listaháskóli Íslands Reykjavik, IS
2013 Exhibition at the Open House Day, University of Applied Arts Vienna, AT